The Law of Attraction

How to Use This Universal Law to Manifest Your Desires

Many people understand The Law of Attraction to be the idea that positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. It is based on the idea that the energy you put into the universe comes back to you. This can often cause fear and confusion as people believe that they must constantly be vigilant of their thoughts as a negative thought will produce a negative outcome.

In truth, there is no positive or negative when it comes to the Law of Attraction, which is a secondary law to the Law of Vibration. Instead, it is a matter of frequency. In terms of frequency, the lower it is the slower the wave moves, meaning it will take longer to attract your manifestation into your life. In contrast, the higher the frequency of a wave, the shorter the period and the faster the wave moves. Bringing your manifestations into your life more quickly.

Different emotions vibrate at different frequencies. Using the chart below, based on the work of David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., we see that Shame vibrates at a frequency of 20 while Enlightenment is at 700-1000.

Someone feeling a great deal of shame will find it difficult to manifest anything else into their lives, as they are simply not vibrating at a level that allows things associated with Love, Joy, and peace to come into their lives.

This is why focusing on the feeling of a thing is such an important part of manifestation when utilizing the Law of Attraction. It is not that negative emotions (those at the lower end of the scale) are bad, while positive emotions (those at the higher end of the scale) are good. It is that when we are vibrating at the lower level of the scale, we are not aligned with the “good” things we want which are vibrating at the higher end of the scale. In order to attract those items into our lives, we must align with their frequency.

The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool that can help you manifest your goals and dreams. It is based on the idea that like attracts like, so if you focus your thoughts and energy on something, the Universe will bring it to you. Here are some tips to get you started with using the Law of Attraction:

  1. Visualize your goal. Spend some time each day visualizing what you want to achieve. See yourself in the future as if you have already achieved your goal. What does it feel like? How do you look? What are you doing? This will help you focus your energy and attract the things you want.

  2. Take action. The Law of Attraction is not a magic wand that will make all your dreams come true. You still need to take action and work towards your goals. Visualization is a great way to get started, but it's only the first step.

  3. Raise your vibration. As you focus on your goal, remain in the frequency of your goal. Remaining on the lower half of the emotional frequency scale will only slow or block your progress. So focus on the things you are grateful for and the things that make you happy, as this will raise your vibration and allow your manifestation to happen more quickly.

  4. Let go of fear. Fear can be a powerful force that prevents us from achieving our goals. Let go of fear and focus on the feeling that achieving your desires will bring. Believe that you can make it happen and stay focused on the outcome you want.

  5. Stay focused. Don't get distracted by other things. Set aside some time each day to focus on your goal and visualize it. Get in tune with the feeling having your goal will bring. Be excited. Be in that moment.

If You Can See It In Your Mind, You Can Hold It In Your Hand
— Bob Proctor

With these tips, you can start using the Law of Attraction to manifest your goals and dreams. Visualize what you want, take action, stay positive, let go of fear, and stay focused. With a bit of practice, you can start to see results and create the life you want!


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