Release the Limiting Beliefs Keeping You From Your Goals

You know what to do, but just can’t seem to do it.

It’s a common theme, and true for so many of us. You read all the books, watch all the TikToks or Reels, and pour over transformation stories, looking for clues to success. But when it comes down to taking action…. It just doesn’t stick. You just can’t do it.

Sure, you stick to the plan for a little while. A few days, weeks, maybe even months. But something always happens, always comes up that throws you off track and puts you right back at the beginning of the process. Then comes the frustration, the self-doubt, and the struggle to get back on track.

So what’s the problem?

Your intentions are good. You know your big WHY. You had a plan. But it all seemed to fall apart.

While each of us is different, we all have our own limiting beliefs. When when we find ourselves in an endless loop, never able to achieve our goal, it may be because we have limiting beliefs holding us back.

Limiting beliefs happen when a limiting decision is made at some point in our past, and creates a story about ourselves that we continue to believe. These liming decisions can be either conscious or subconscious and trick us into believing that we cannot reach our highest potential. That we cannot become our ideal selves.

When we have a limiting belief, we look at the world through the lens of that belief and believe that’s simply how things are. We do not realize that we have created this false belief and it is skewing our perception of ourselves and the world.

Here’s an example…

Perhaps we have a person that says to themselves, “I’m not good enough”. This is a limiting belief. Who told you you’re not good enough? When did you decide that? That belief feels all-encompassing, but the owner of the belief is likely dismissing a lifetime of moments where they were more than enough, but walked away, because of this belief.

Have you ever thought to yourself things like… “This is hard”. “I don’t like vegetables”. “I can’t wake up that early”. “I’m not strong enough.” “I could never do that”. These are all limiting beliefs.

So how do we eliminate them?

There are multiple ways to begin shifting our identities, and moving away from limiting beliefs, but three of my favorites are:

Emotional Freedom Techniques ( EFT - Tapping)

EFT is unique in that it combines elements of both mind and body in order to address the problem. With EFT, we balance the energy system of the body by moving negative emotions out and powerful positive emotions in by tapping on the acupressure points of the body. As a result, there is an energy shift in the body away from the negative and towards our desired positive outcome.


What even is hypnosis? In short, hypnosis is a deeply relaxed and focused state of learning, in which we are able to bypass the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious mind. Offering it “suggestions” on desired behaviors, outcomes, practices, etc. Thereby allowing us to reprogram our thoughts, and limiting beliefs. It’s a pretty amazing technique, and the best part is that our subconscious will only accept the suggestions that we want it to accept. The ones that are for our highest good, or for our benefit in some way.

Neuro-Linguistic Prommaing (NLP)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming supports us in using the basic language of our mind to consistently achieve the results we want in life. What does that mean? We take the way the brain stores thoughts, desires, and beliefs (basically how we see reality) and we make shifts that result in more desirable outcomes.

If you’re feeling stuck, frustrated, or just looking for help, schedule a FREE 90 minute Clarity Session.

The thing that’s been getting in your way this whole time. The reason you’ve been able to see short-term success but not long-term. The cause of all the frustrations, setbacks, and feelings of disappointment. Is that limiting belief, sitting there in the back of your mind. It’s time to get rid of it. Its’ time to let it go.

How are you going to make that happen?

You can’t escape from a prison until you recognize you are in one. People who have chosen to live witin the limits of their old beliefs continue to have the same experiences. It takes effort and commitment to break old patterns.
— Bob Proctor


Breaking Down the Dimensions of Wellness