The Dimensions of Wellness
The four pillars of health are the foundation of the physical dimension of wellness.
The Physical Dimension of wellness encompasses more than just movement and nutrition. In fact, there are 4 key pillars of health that make up the physical dimension of our overall wellness: movement, nutrition, sleep, and relaxation.
When all four pillars are strong, we thrive in the physical dimension of wellness.
Daily movement is essential to good health.
Regular physical activity helps reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. It also helps to improve strength and flexibility, as well as improving our overall physical health, it has a strong impact on our mental wellbeing as well. Engaging in regular activities, such as walking, jogging, biking, swimming, and weightlifting, can help to keep your body in shape and your mind alert.
Nutrition is an undisputed pillar of health.
Eating a balanced diet of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats helps to provide the body with the essential nutrients it needs. Getting adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients helps to promote healthy growth and development. It also helps to reduce the risk of developing diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Sleep is vital to optimal physical health. although it is often undervalued.
Getting adequate amounts of rest helps to keep the body and mind functioning at their best. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. It can also increase the risk of developing chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
“Sleep is the most important ‘repair’ mechanism our body has.”
Relaxation is not the same as sleep.
It’s important all on its own. Rest and relaxation are vital for stress management as this is an important part of maintaining good health. Stress can have a negative impact on both physical and mental health. So finding ways to manage stress and stay relaxed, such as exercising regularly, eating healthy, and meditating are important to maintaining wellness on the physical dimension.
If you are finding that you are stuck, or inconsistent in any of these areas it may be that deeper change is required. Motivation is an important factor in achieving success, but identity work is the foundation that can make motivation more powerful and effective. Our identity determines our beliefs, and our beliefs can shape our behaviors and our attitudes, and when it comes to wellness, having a positive belief system is key.
By creating shifts in our mindset, and rewriting old programming at the subconscious level, we can start to focus on the positive aspects of the journey, accepting our bodies, and increasing feelings of worthiness, self-love, and self-acceptance.
This self-acceptance can help us to be more confident in our own skin and to feel more comfortable in our own bodies.