Is Human Design the Secret to Unlocking Your Success?

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Is Human Design the Secret to Unlocking Your Business Success?

The short answer… Yes!

Okay, blog done! 😘

No, I’m joking let’s get into exactly what Human Design is and then I’ll tell you how to apply it to your business.

Human Design is a self-knowledge system that provides information on both the unconscious (determined by astrological positions 88 days before your birth) and conscious (determined at the time of your birth) aspects of yourself. It's a synthesis of elements from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the chakra system, and quantum physics. Through this integration, Human Design offers a comprehensive blueprint and understanding of your unique energetics.

Origins and Components

Human Design is a relatively new system, developed by Ra Uru Hu in 1987 after a mystical experience. Following this experience, he received a "download" of information… a transmission that lasted 8 days and nights, during which he received the knowledge of the Human Design System.

Human Design uses your birth date, time, and place to calculate your chart, similar to traditional astrology. It also incorporates the 64 hexagrams from the I Ching, which correspond to the 64 gates in the Human Design chart. These gates represent different aspects of your life and personality.

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is mirrored in the Human Design chart as well, with its paths and spheres represented as channels and centers. The chakra system lends its influence as well, which we see in the nine centers of the Human Design chart, each representing different areas of life and energetic functions.

Understanding Yourself

When I first discovered Human Design, I was amazed by how spot-on it was. As a 1/3 emotional projector, it helped me understand why the business advice I'd been following before just didn't work. More importantly, it showed me what to do instead... even though I didn't listen at first.

For you, as a coach, course creator, healer, or conscious soulpreneur, knowing your Human Design will help you distinguish yourself in your industry. It will also show you how to balance your energy so that running your business feels deeply fulfilling, nourishing, and satisfying.

I doubt that when you decided to start your business, you thought to yourself, "Let me do this in the hardest, most difficult way possible." More likely, you thought, "I have this wonderful idea, this gift, this service that I want to share with the world. I'm going to put it out there, and it's so amazing that people are really just going to vibe with it."

But perhaps it's not working out that way, and the missing piece might be that you're not moving in alignment with your design. It's really about working smarter, not harder, and aligning with what truly resonates with you. By understanding your design, you can make decisions with more confidence, align your work with your natural flow, and ultimately create a business that feels authentic and sustainable.

The Five Energy Types

There are primary energy types in Human Design: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Each type has its own unique characteristics and roles. A beautiful aspect of Human Design is that each type is meant to work with the others. What one lacks, the other has, and together we form a collective that helps and supports each other to achieve their highest potential.

  1. Manifestors: They are the initiators. They're here to get the ball rolling, often in some unique, wild, wonderful way that the rest of us have never thought of. Their signature theme is peace, and their not-self theme is anger. Their strategy is to inform others before taking action.

  2. Generators: They are the builders, the doers. Their signature theme is satisfaction, and their not-self theme is frustration. Their strategy is to respond to opportunities and listen to their sacral response.

  3. Manifesting Generators: They are the multi-taskers, combining the initiation of Manifestors with the building energy of Generators. Their signature theme is peace and satisfaction, and their not-self theme is anger and frustration. Their strategy is to respond and then inform.

  4. Projectors: They are the guides and gurus, here to help others find their purpose and path. Their signature theme is success, and their not-self theme is bitterness. Their strategy is to wait for the invitation before offering guidance.

  5. Reflectors: They are the mirrors of the community. Their signature theme is surprise, and their not-self theme is disappointment. Their strategy is to wait a full lunar cycle (28 days) before making major decisions.

Discovering Your Type

If you don't know your Human Design type, you can click here to run your chart and learn all about your design. You'll also be able to get a free mini energetic blueprint that will go into detail your about your type, but also your strategy and authority.

Understanding your type is the first step towards aligning your business with your natural energetics.

Trusting Your Authority

Now that you understand the types, you might be wondering, "How do I apply this to my business? How specifically do I use this to get clients, make money, expand, and create impact within my business?"

What I'm going to tell you will sound simple, but it is 100% effective. From my own experience, I can tell you that I spent a year and a half playing with this, not really trusting or believing it, and feeling bitter quite a lot because I was in my not-self theme as opposed to sticking to my signature theme.

The way to best apply this to your business is just to follow your strategy and authority.

I know! Super simple right? But it may be easier said than done.

Just to give you a bit more clarity here… Your strategy is how you navigate through the world. Your authority is how you go about making decisions as you navigate through the world. And you can think of your signature theme as a confirmation, a check that you've made the right decision and are on the right track. If you've trusted yourself and made an authentic decision, then you'll be in your signature theme, and if you've made the wrong decision (because you did not listen to your authority) then you're going to be in your not-self theme.

There are seven authorities in Human Design:

  1. Emotional Authority: Wait for your emotional wave to pass before making decisions.

  2. Sacral Authority: Trust your gut response (for Generators and Manifesting Generators).

  3. Splenic Authority: Follow your instantaneous intuition.

  4. Ego Authority: Act on your willpower and desires.

  5. Self-Projected Authority: Talk out your decisions to gain clarity.

  6. Environmental Authority: Talk out your decisions while surrounded by the right faces, spaces, and places.

  7. Lunar Authority: Wait a full lunar cycle before making major decisions (for Reflectors).

Now, that you’ve gotten a solid overview of the different 3 main areas of your design, let's look at how each type can apply Human Design to their business.

Manifestors: You're not here to do things like everybody else. You're here to do it differently. One of the things in business we all talk a lot about is market research. But you know who doesn't have to do market research? Manifestors. Why? Because market research is asking people how things are going now, it's the old way of doing things, and you're here to initiate, start new things, to be fresh and new, and just kind of go with your flow.

Generators and Manifesting Generators: Perhaps you want to start getting consistent in your posting, and you've chosen Instagram as your social media platform. That's fine, but did you choose it because you think that's what you should do, or did you choose it because you were on IG and thought, "Oh, this feels good"? Follow that response, and then use your authority to check in and confirm. Doing this you’ll find that you're always on the right path. You can't go wrong if you follow your strategy and authority.

Projectors: You need to wait for the invitation to share your guidance and wisdom one-on-one, but not with the world as a whole. So while you’re waiting for those invitations to roll in, use your authority to decide how to prepare. What I do is, if I have a great idea, maybe for a new offering or a way of doing things. I check in with my authority (emotional) before digging in and building on the idea. I make sure I still feel good about this idea in another day or two, and if I do, if I really feel like, "Yeah, this is the way to go," then I proceed and build modules, create workbooks, whatever it is. I then share it in a way that feels natural and authentic (kinda like this blog post), and wait for the right people to find it and invite me into their worlds.

Reflectors: You are waiting that lunar cycle to make any decisions. Because your chart is fully open you really can read people well and can understand situations well, but you need time to process all of that. So for you, it's take it easy-peasy lemon squeezy. You're taking your time, you are waiting before you make any major decisions.

One major mistake I made at the beginning of growing my business, was that I was following lots of done-for-you type strategies. You know, those 0-10K strategies that everyone else is putting out there. I liked them because being a my Line 1 (we’ll discuss profile lines in another blog), they were teaching all of these clean simple ways of doing things in a formulaic way that was easy to apply. But on the flip side, there is not a lot of freedom in following someone else’s strategy. You may get away with changing some things here or there, but really the formula works for a reason. A lot of these strategies had me posting on social media way more often than I was comfortable doing, showing up on camera more than I’d like, and generally moving at a pace that was too fast for me to maintain. So, none of them ever felt right, and I never could get very far.

So one day I just decided, "You know what? Screw social media. I'm done. I'm gonna start my blog. I'm just gonna start my podcast. I can post what I want when I want. Go slowly, at my pace, sharing my knowledge, how I want." I was nervous, but I sat with it, used my authority, and all of the pieces started coming together. Any time I start to feel like I should be doing more. I remind myself that I must trust the wisdom of my design. And move forward in a way that feels good.

And you know what? It feels so good! Every aspect of it feels good. As soon as I switched my business marketing plan I started getting more traffic to my website. I started having more questions on old posts on TikTok and IG. My energy had shifted and so therefore had my prospect.

So that's how you know you're on the right track because you're going to start seeing the results and you're going to feel good about everything.

What you need to remember

Human Design offers a unique and powerful way to understand yourself and align your business with your natural energetics. By following your strategy and authority, you can make decisions that feel right for you, create offerings that resonate with your energy, and attract the right clients and opportunities.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to business success. What works for someone else might not work for you, and that's okay. Human Design gives you permission to do things your way, in alignment with your unique energy type.

As you start to apply these principles to your business, pay attention to how you feel. Are you experiencing your signature theme more often? Are you feeling more aligned and energized in your work? These are signs that you're on the right track.

Human Design is a journey of self-discovery and alignment. It takes time to fully understand and implement, but the results can be transformative. So be patient with yourself, trust the process, and enjoy the journey of building a business that truly reflects and supports who you are at your core.

Whether you're a Manifestor initiating new ideas, a Generator building with satisfaction, a Manifesting Generator multi-tasking with enthusiasm, a Projector guiding others to success, or a Reflector providing valuable perspective, your unique energy has a vital role to play in the business world.

Embrace your design, trust your strategy and authority, and watch as your business begins to flow in a way that feels natural and fulfilling to you.

Looking for a little extra support?

The Genius Activation Reading: For conscious SoulPrenuers

This session is meant to give you clarity on your soul’s purpose and direction while emphasizing the innate gifts and traits meant to guide you there.


This reading is your gateway to understanding your Human Design. By analyzing your Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profile, we pinpoint the core aspects of your decision-making process and how you best interact with the world around you.


Breaking Down Societal Conditioning and Limiting Beliefs


Welcome to the Journey: My Journey to Worthy of Wealth